MEGATREND BRAND, August 2018; EBI in Panama
MEGATREND BRAND, August 2018; EBI in Panama
Gerhard Hrebicek, President European Brand Institute, raised awareness in the potential and value brands can have in the Latin American and Caribbean Countries. He was invited by the former Ambassador of Panama in Austria to hold keynotes on “How Brands create Growth and Prosperity” at e.g. Ciudad del Saber and PANAMCHAM in Panama City and intensively discussed with local finance and economics experts the future of Latin America in terms of intellectual property and, in particular, strong and valuable brands.
“Investments in companies that recognize and value brands as important intangible assets will differentiate leading entities from lagging ones.” explains Gerhard Hrebicek the power of brands. “Therefore, entities that participate in treating brands as intangible assets will be more attractive to investors and lenders.”
An intense exchange on global branding of innovations and technologies, ISO 20671 implementation and certification, and Latin American opportunities strengthened strategic partnerships.