Implementation of Brand Management Quality Systems based on ISO 20671

• To apply and evaluate appropriate quality systems within Brand Evaluation
• To evaluate concepts and theories applicable to a range of complex operational Brand management decisions
Certification is issued by the European Brand Institute in cooperation with ISO council for ISO 20671 Brand Evaluation Standard
After completing the module, the student should be able to:
1. Analyze the evolution of Brand management and Brand evaluation.
2. Evaluate the Brand development business case for quality and the management concept.
3. Describe the role of standards and regulations as well as quality processes in the Brand Management Quality System.
4. Contrast Quality Assurance with Quality Control in Brand Evaluation.
5. Evaluate Quality Assurance models for change and quality improvement through input elements of brand Evaluation.
6. Critically assess the Output dimensions of Brand Evaluation and the role of quality control in the modern organization,
Course Features
- Lectures 7
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level CPD ISO Certification
- Language English
- Students 20
- Assessments Yes
Implementation of Brand Management and Managing Quality Systems based ISO 20671